Are You Feeling Overwhelmed?

Ready to find peace in your home again?

The Less of a Hot Mess Declutter Challenge will help you:


Identify your trouble spots in your home and provide a comprehensive, step-by-step plan to break them down into manageable tasks. 


Overcome the overwhelm by focusing on one task at a time.


Pace yourself to conquer a large task, but with simple, laid-out steps.


Discover the surprising joy of owning less, therefore spending less time organizing the mess.


Learn how to create more functional spaces for your family.

Happy Notes
But you know what?

I’ve been in your shoes.. and there is a better way!

I remember what it felt like to think the clutter in my home was going to reach up and choke the life out of me. I know all too well the lack of peace and the feelings of overwhelm. 

And my biggest desire is to share the simple steps I took with you!

It’s been more than 7 years since I said – “that’s it!” And my home is so much more peaceful now than it was on that day because I tackled the clutter. I did the work and I hope that you will put in the practical daily steps toward peace.

I have no doubt that your life will be changed and your home will be transformed at the end of this challenge. 


The Less of a Hot Mess 30-Day Challenge

Get an e-mail each day for 30 days, and take baby steps that will transform your home one small space at a time. I’ll hold your hand as you remove what you no longer need and make space for a more functional and breathable home.

We’ll also explore innovative ideas for using items you already have in a new way in your home (keeping you more organized without spending any money)! And find encouragement and inspiration from others who have completed the same challenge – and have lived to tell the tale.

Less of a Hot Mess 30-Day Decluttering Challenge

I absolutely love this challenge. It has helped me get motivated and organized and with the emails that go along with it, it has helped me get creative. I’m still working through a few things but can’t wait to show everyone my accomplishments when I’m done! Thank you Laura for putting this together and sharing with us!!!

It’s Free!

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