How to Remove Sticker Residue from Clothing

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Learn how to easily remove sticker residue from clothing with one simple tool! And no damage to the clothes!

I hate it when good clothing gets ruined. In our house, the likely culprits are a pen left in a pocket, a child eating red, orange or blue foods or sticker residue. Seriously, it happens all.the.time! And I spend way more time than I would like trying to get soiled clothing clean and wearable again.

What?!? So easy and simple! How to Remove Sticker Residue from Clothing |

So, the other day when I pulled out my daughter’s almost brand new shirt from the dryer and it had sticker residue on it, I was a little upset. In the past I’ve struggled to remove sticker residue. I’ve taken the time to scrape off every little piece with my finger nail.

No thanks! I think I’d rather go to IKEA with my two kids by myself than remove sticker residue from clothing. (But I’m also too frugal to throw it away.)

But then I had an epiphany!

It was such a lightbulb moment and the answer had been sitting right under my nose!

It’s also pure, natural and doesn’t contain any chemicals. So, I don’t have to worry about putting nasty, toxic stuff all of my daughter’s clothing.

It’s such an easy solution, I can’t believe I’ve never thought of this before.

I have used this item in the past to get grease stains out of clothing. I also have used this item in the past to remove sticker residue from a myriad of other objects. Like you know when a price sticker is stuck to something? I grab it all of the time for that!

So, it made perfect sense that this would not only remove sticker residue but also be safe for clothing.

Are you ready for it??

Lemon Essential Oil! Nature’s “goo gone” of course.

What?!? So easy and simple! How to Remove Sticker Residue from Clothing |

Yep, so incredibly simple.

I dropped a few drops on each spot and let the oil soak in a little bit. I then was able to scrape the sticker residue right off with my fingernails. Only this time it came right off and didn’t hang on for dear life!

It works on gum, too! My oldest daughter recently came home with gum all over the bottom hem of her favorite pants. A little lemon oil on it and it wiped right off!

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What?!? So easy and simple! How to Remove Sticker Residue from Clothing |

I made sure that all of the sticker residue was gone and then I washed it again. Now it’s good as new!

What?!? So easy and simple! How to Remove Sticker Residue from Clothing |

I’m so glad I came to my senses and figured out a way to save one shirt.

Now, to get week-old spaghetti sauce out of little sister’s cutest summer outfit.

She only wore it once. (of course)

What?!? So easy and simple! How to Remove Sticker Residue from Clothing |

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  1. Thank you! It worked! Our toddler loves to put stickers and bandaids on clothes/blankets, etc. and then I can’t get the stickers/bandaids offwithout ruining the fibers. I tried the Lemon Essential Oil, and within seconds, it peeled off.

    1. Yay!!! I’ve used this so many times!! It also helps with grease stains, too. For some reason, the lemon oil doesn’t stain, but it’ll help remove other pesky oily stains! Saved many clothes for me!

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