French Cleat Picture Hanger (for the Ironing Board Hanger)


I’m sharing how to use a French cleat picture hanger when I finally hung my ironing board hanger in the wall!

Do you all remember my ironing board hanger I made last year? It’s OK if you don’t. That was a long time ago. And unfortunately I wasn’t able to use it until recently. In the meantime it lived in various states of playtime with Miss A or cluttered up a corner or two just waiting to be hung up properly.

How to Hang the Ironing Board Hanger

It wasn’t that I hadn’t tried to hang it up. I had, but I couldn’t find the exact right hanging system for a board that held an ironing board.

How to Hang the Ironing Board Hanger

You see, I used command strips to hang it on the dining room wall for the picture above. Sometimes bloggers will stage things in places where they wouldn’t normally keep something to get better lighting or a better background. It happens all the time.

So, after I staged this picture and snapped my Pinterest-worthy shots, I tried to hang it in the laundry room with command strips again. Only this time it fell off the wall …. in the middle of the night … and Coach thought someone was breaking in. Imagine his relief (mixed with a little frustration) when he found out his normally handy wife had hung up the ironing board and wooden hanger with some velcro. Not my brightest moment, for sure!

So then I tried D-ring hooks on the back. This made the board pull away from the wall when I tried to put the ironing board up there.

Finally one day I was walking through the hardware store and saw these lovely french cleat picture hanging devices. How had I missed these before?

How to Hang the Ironing Board Hanger

They seemed perfect! You screw one set of cleats into the wall.

How to Hang the Ironing Board Hanger

And it’s wide enough to hit a stud or two. And then the other cleats screw into the back of the board. Slide them rest the board cleats on top of the wall cleats and voila!

How to Hang the Ironing Board Hanger

And now my ironing board is no longer collecting dust and whatever else in my bedroom corner.

How to Hang the Ironing Board Hanger

And you get to see yet another sneak peek of my not-quite-finished-but-been-in-progress-for-two-years laundry room. Seriously?!? I don’t know what it’s going to take for me to finish that room. The board and batten is lovely. And now that the ironing board hanger is hung, we’re one step closer to the finish line. Ha!

Did you know about these picture hangers?

Where can I find a new adorable ironing board cover? This one looks a little singed. Ha!

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  1. I just found you and this awesome project from the inspire me linkup! I LOVE this idea! It’s such a cute way to get that ironing board out of the way, yet still look fun! You should join us on Tuesdays for the Celebrate Southern link up over at for some southern-inspired posts. You don’t have to be a southern blogger to join, this post would be a great fit! Today’s linkup is already live! Can’t wait to see more from you! Glad I found your blog! 🙂 xoxo

  2. Laura, I LOVE the hangers! I’m definitely going to incorporate them into a new headboard idea (since I can’t find the iron one i’ve been looking for!)

    On ironing board covers, I purchased one recently off Amazon, and it’s a ‘high use’ one (?) and it’s worked GREAT. It might be worth looking into. I’ve seen tutorials on making them, but I don’t want seams from the cover to be pressed into whatever I’m ironing. I guess I’m picky like that.

  3. Hi, what a cute idea! I did know about the cleats, pottery barn used a smilar system for hanging their shelves. I have never seen them this small. It is a great idea. My husband made something similar years ago when I covered a piece of plywood with batting and fabric for a headboard in my sons room. He found a piece of molding that he could mount backwards on the wall, and then used another piece on the back of the headboard. It was basically the same concept but much larger. What are the hooks on the board. I can’t figure out what they and would love to copy your idea.

    1. Now that you mention it, I think I do have a hanging wall shelf that came this this kind of hanging system. But I never thought to try to find one in the store to use for my ironing board hanger. It would be the perfect hanging system for a hanging head board, for sure! The hooks are just regular hooks you’d find at Lowe’s or Home Depot. You can read more about how I made the board here:

  4. Congrats on finding a good way to secure your Ironing Board Hanger to the wall! I had never even heard of these types of picture hangers so thanks for sharing. Btw, your original post for the adorable ironing board hanger is what led me to become one of your subscribers. Great Job!

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