How To Display Kitchen Cabinet Wreaths


Full step by step tutorial on how to easily display kitchen cabinet wreaths during the holidays.

Adding Christmas wreaths to your cabinets is a cute and easy DIY decorating idea for the holidays! I’ve been putting evergreen wreaths on my cabinets for years and love the look.

It’s a great way to make the kitchen feel like the holidays without any clutter.

I’ve also tried a lot of different methods for hanging Christmas wreaths on the cabinet door. And I’ve found the easiest way to do it!

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Christmas Kitchen with Plaid Accents
The mini wreaths I have now are my favorite, by far!

The fun thing about this is that you can do this on any budget. I started out with some plastic greenery from the dollar spot at Target that I made into simple wreaths. But over time I’ve replaced them with cute mini wreaths. 

Gorgeous Kitchen Decor with DIY Christmas Kitchen Wreaths!
When I didn’t have enough money for real wreaths, I took wired garland and made mini wreaths out of them.

I love sharing about all things Christmas decor! I’ve shared all about the best artificial Christmas treeshow to decorate a bedroom for Christmas and how to decorate with Christmas ribbon. My hope is that these articles will help you create a home you love for the holidays!

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Mini Wreaths for Christmas Decorations

For this fun decor idea, you’ll want to select wreath sizes that are smaller than the average door wreath. Many times they are sold as “mini wreaths” and are 8 to 12 inches wide and the perfect size! 

Here are some of the best mini wreaths I’ve seen over the years!

Supplies Needed for Adding Cabinet Wreaths

  • Mini Wreath or Wired Garland to Make a Wreath – one per each cabinet you want to decorate.
  • Ribbon – You will need 2.5 feet of ribbon per wreath. This is a fun way to customize your kitchen to look like the rest of your decor this holiday season. I prefer a 2-inch wide ribbon, but you could use a variety of sizes and styles
  • Command Hooks– I’ve used both these large, white command hooks and these small, clear command hooks. The small clear ones worked just fine if your wreaths aren’t heavy!
  • Scissors
  • Floral wire, optional
  • Wire cutters, optional
  • Measuring Tape
  • Hot Glue Gun & Glue Sticks, optional

How to Hang Cabinet Wreaths

This method folds the ribbon over the wreath before hanging it up. If you don’t like this look, you can always attach the ribbon to the back of the wreath with hot glue!

1. Buy or Make your Mini Wreaths

If you buy mini wreaths, you can go to the store, then skip to step 2.

If you don’t already have pre-made wreaths, make a 12-inch hoop with greenery and twist the ends together with floral wire. 

2. Decide Where the Wreaths will Hang on the Cabinet 

I like to hang my wreaths in the upper half or top third of the cabinet door. Decide where the wreaths will go and this will tell you how long to make your ribbon. 

3. Attach the Command Strip Hooks to the Inside Cabinet Door

I’ve tried every way to hang wreaths on cabinet doors and this is by far the easiest! You simply hang the command hooks upside down on the inside of the cabinet door.

Command hook for cabinet wreath

Open the back of the cabinet door and find the middle of the door with the measuring tape. Then mark about 2 inches from the top of the door. This will be where you place your command hook. Measure and mark for each cabinet. 

You may have to re-measure for any extra large or small cabinets, like the ones over the fridge or microwave.

I’ve left my command hooks there for 3 years and I use them again every year. It’s so easy!

Command Hook for Kitchen Cabinet Wreaths
These are the small, clear command hooks I used on my glass pane cabinets.

4. Cut Your Ribbon 

The length of ribbon will depend on how far you want the wreath to hang on the front of the cabinet door. 

Measure from the top of the cabinet door to the top of where you want the wreath to go. Then double that number and add 6 inches for hanging over the cabinet top. Most of my ribbons are 28 inches long.

5. Make a Knot or Cut Slits in the Ends of the Ribbons

Fold the ribbons in half, then you can use one of two methods:

  • Cut a half-inch slit 2-3 inches from the end of the cut ends of the ribbon. Cut through both sides of the ribbon. 
  • Or, after placing the ribbon through the wreath, tie a knot in the end of the ribbon. 
How to Display Kitchen Cabinet Wreaths

6. Hang up the Wreaths

Put the ribbon on either side of the wreath and slip the cut slit or knot over the command hook. Voila! How easy was that?

How to Display Kitchen Cabinet Wreaths

You now have the easiest and cutest way to decorate a kitchen for Christmas. And obviously you can hang a wreath on any door or window throughout your home. 

Hang Wreaths from Cabinets with Command Hooks

I’ve even hung a wreath with this method on my pantry door. You’ll just want to be sure the weight of your wreath can be held up by the command hook and ribbon. A heavy wreath might not work very well!

Wreaths on Cabinet Doors for Christmas

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you use this method on glass doors?

Yes! I have glass doors in my kitchen, so I use a small, clear command hook close to the top of the cabinet door. 

Do you have to remove the command hooks?

I don’t! I leave them up and use them year after year. It makes it really easy to decorate the kitchen each year. 

Can I use a nail instead of a command hook?

Of course! Feel free to tap a small nail into the back of the cabinet door. I just prefer to use a command hook so I don’t leave any marks and can remove them if I want!

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  1. I am nearly ready to do this but my question is do I hang them on every door? I have 16 doors plus the pantry. That seems like a lot. WDYT?

    1. Hi Lynne! I definitely don’t think you need to hang them on every door. I would say just make them balanced! Maybe do every other set of two doors, or something like that. Pick a pattern and it will look great!

    1. Hi Pam! I haven’t had any issue with scratching. But I would put some felt pads (with an adhesive back) on the back of the wreaths. That way it would give a soft backing on the wreaths and make sure not to scratch the doors. I hope that helps! – Laura

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