Be Strong Be Brave Be Fearless Free Printable

The “Be Strong Be Brave Be Fearless” translation of Joshua 1:9 is such an inspiration to me, so I wanted to share it with you in the form of a free printable! I hope it encourages you as much as it encourages me!!

Be Strong Be Brave Be Fearless you are never alone. | My Word of the Year

Ahh, I’m so excited to share this little word of the year with you today. I missed sharing it in January because we were so busy with the Less of a Hot Mess decluttering challenge! And the funny thing is that the decluttering challenge only came about because of my word for the year. (We call that a full circle moment.)

Have you ever even heard of this phenomenon? The Word of the Year thing? It’s sometimes called your “One Little Word,” penned by designer, blogger and memory keeper extraordinaire, Ali Edwards. She says this about the practice…

A single word can be a powerful thing. It can be the ripple in the pond that changes everything. It can be sharp and biting or rich and soft and slow.

In 2006 I [Ali] began a tradition of choosing one word for myself each January – a word to focus on, meditate on, and reflect upon as I go about my daily life. My words have included play, peace, vitality, nurture, story, light, up, open, thrive, give, and whole. These words have each become a part of my life in one way or another. They’ve been imbedded into who I am and into who I’m becoming. They’ve been what I’ve needed most (and didn’t know I needed). They’ve helped me to breathe deeper, to see clearer, to navigate challenges, and to grow.

I, Laura, have been enjoying this practice and choosing a Word of the Year since 2013.

Contentment – 2013
Grace – 2014
Rest – 2015 (I think I failed that year and need a refresher course. 😉)
Simplify – 2016

And now this year’s word is (drumroll please) …


I love seeing how my words of the year reflect the journey that I was on that year. It’s almost like a capsule of what was happening in my life at that time. And now that I’ve done it for a few years, I can see similar patterns and themes. The word, Fearless, actually started forming in my mind during the summer last year, so it’s been on my heart and mind for at least 7 months now.

It’s permeated the books I’ve read and the lectures I’ve listened to. And it’s definitely seeped into my actions and goals.

Be Strong Be Brave Be Fearless you are never alone. | My Word of the Year

Let me explain.

I’m an introvert by nature and can be shy in person until I get to know people. And even still, my shyness is oftentimes perceived as cold and aloof. I’m really not like that, but I just don’t want to be the center of attention. As a child it was sometimes debilitating, but as I’ve grown older and cared less and less about what others thought of me, I’ve managed to shake some of the fears.

These aren’t fears of tragedy or something bad happening. I don’t often worry about getting in an accident or a loved one perishing.

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My fears are more personal than that. Like, what if I write a book and nobody reads it? What if I start something, and can’t finish it and then everything thinks I’m a failure? What if I’m not qualified to teach about this subject because everything I know is already common knowledge or people feel like they have been ripped off?

Or I’m afraid that I’ll offend someone or step into their personal space, so I won’t offer encouragement or care. I’m afraid of bothering people, so I keep to myself. I’m afraid of stirring up controversy or conflict, so I keep my opinions to myself.

It all plays a lot into putting myself out there in my business. I have been afraid to truly put myself out there for far too long.

Be Strong Be Brave Be Fearless you are never alone. | My Word of the Year

Here’s a prime example of my fear in action …

I’ve wanted to do a 30 Day Challenge of some sort for as long as I can remember, but I had always talked myself out of it. I kept thinking it would be too much work (which it was a TON of work) and that I wouldn’t be able to finish it and I would be seen as a fraud. Or someone who couldn’t keep their word.

But one of the BEST decisions I made in 2016 was hiring my friend Emily as my social media manager and assistant. Not only does she have great ideas and keeps all of the social media plates spinning, she’s a fabulous encourager. It is her gift!

So, I got brave and shared with her my idea of having an organizational challenge at the beginning of the year. And basically she told me that I HAD to do it and that people would love it! If it were left up to me, I would have never put myself out there, but she encouraged me and helped me, so I did it! And she was there along the way doing the projects with me and encouraging me every step of the way when I would call her and vent about how hard it was to keep going. Ha! (Thanks Em! You’re the best!)

"Our Deepest Fear ..." | Be Strong Be Brave Be Fearless you are never alone. | My Word of the Year

The Less of a Hot Mess Challenge was everything I hoped it would be and more. I connected to my read readers (you) who have a felt need for decluttering and organization. And you all were so encouraging as well. I’m absolutely honored that it meant so much to so many of you. Yes, there were bumps on the road – like me getting the flu the weekend before a HUGE post was due. But it was worth ALL of the hard work and stress, just to be able to serve you guys!

So this year when I come up against those negative voices and fears, I’m just going to put myself out there and go for it! It’s already worked fabulously so far this year!

Be Strong; Be Brave; Be Fearless Free Printable

So, as a thank you for helping me on my journey to reach my goals and put the fearful lies to rest, I created a free printable for you!

When I was decluttering my office last month, I bought this chalkboard organizer from Kirkland’s. It needs some chalkboard art, so I search far and wide for the perfect phrase or quote. When I happened upon the paraphrase of Joshua 1:9, I knew it was perfect for my word of the year!

Be Strong Be Brave Be Fearless you are never alone. | My Word of the Year

I love the last line, too, “you are never alone.” God is always with me and I have nothing to fear. I love that He is the reason for my fearlessness.

And I recreated it into a printable in 6 different colors for you!

Be Strong Be Brave Be Fearless you are never alone. | My Word of the Year

I hope you love displaying it as much as I do! Thank you for being on this journey with me!!

Be Strong Be Brave Be Fearless you are never alone. | My Word of the Year

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  2. Just wanted you to know that I featured this on the Create Link Inspire party. I loved that you linked it up. What a great verse and a perfect reminder! Thank you!

  3. I love that you create a new word of the year. I think I may have to do the same. Thanks for sharing this on Merry Monday.

  4. I saw myself in your description of yourself and admire you for “stuffing down the introvert” and doing great things! It’s not always easy being an introvert! Thanks for the encouragement and the lovely printable as well!

  5. Bless your sweet, sweet spirit! This was such a precious, open post and one I can completely relate to. Let’s not fear – together! Hugs to you!

  6. That is a good word. Thank you, Laura, for all your teaching, sharing and printables. Blessings to you…
    I usually have a word for the month or two, so not sure how long this one is for: The other day I was given a new (or renewed) word. My pastor was speaking on going back to our childlike faith we had when we were “young.” Getting rid of “stuff” that has been dumped onto us along the way to now. I was reminded of how, when I was “young,” I longed for God’s wisdom to permeate through me to others. As I strive to get back to that childlike faith, I pray the desires of my youth will penetrate me again.
    Wisdom! “But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy.” James 3:17 (NKJV)

  7. After nearly dying from meningitis and encephalitis (brain swelling) 10 years ago, I later developed weird neurological symptoms from the waist down; numbness, burning nerve pain, balance issues, etc. After seven, yes seven, years, I was finally diagnosed with MS. Eventually, I was faced with an early retirement from my dream job: teaching fourth grade. I wrote a book/Bible study called “What Bend? I Can’t Even See the Road!” (On Amazon) Little did I know that later my wife would be diagnosed with an extremely rare form of large B cell lymphoma, already at stage 4. Just what our two boys needed, as if they weren’t stressed enough with me! After insane treatments, after boatloads of prayer, and divine intervention, my wife is cancer free!! Thank you, Jesus!! At Christmas time this year, I was found to be loaded with blood clots in my lungs & jugular. Prognosis was not good. After a three hour surgery, I was in ICU ONE day, and ONE day in a regular room. The doctor said to me incredulously, “You are too well to stay here. I don’t really understand it.” So, I sermonized him, of course, and went home on Dec.24, my wife’s birthday–and baby Jesus’. :-)I tell you all that to tell you this: My life verse is Isaiah 42:3: “A bruised reed He will not break, a smoldering wick He will not snuff out.” Never tell someone that rotten cliché: “God doesn’t give you more than you can handle.” What hogwash!! We believe that God helps us handle what we’ve been given, however! Anyway, I wanted to encourage you today, Miss Laura. 🙂 James Tanis

    1. Both, you and Laura, have brightened my day! We DO serve a faithful God!

      Blessings to you!

    2. Thank you for your heartfelt words and I’m so thankful for your healing!! I agree about that awful cliche. We need Him so much!

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