The Creamiest Hot Chocolate {Recipe}


As a young girl I remember my mom getting out her large cake carrier top, because it was the largest “bowl” in the house, and mixing up some hot chocolate. Those cold, winter days were so much better with a cup of creamy, chocolatey goodness. This Hot Chocolate recipe is the creamiest and best!

Those cold, winter days were so much better with a cup of creamy, chocolatey goodness. This Hot Chocolate recipe is the creamiest and best!

As an adult, I forgot about this delicious treat and bought store-bought hot chocolate. Oh, I was missing out and didn’t even realize it!

But this year when I was trying to put together some homemade gifts, I remembered my grandmother’s recipe for hot chocolate. And oh, it is delicious. I made two batches, mostly for gifts, but I kept some for myself too. (I meant to post this before Christmas to go with my cookies in a jar post, but I just didn’t get to it! So, please forgive the Christmas-themed jar. Check out my family movie night gift ideas HERE.)

So, some nights when it’s bitterly cold outside (or below 32°, which is bitterly cold here in northern Alabama), and our fire is going, I’ll fix myself a cup of my grandmother’s hot cocoa.

It’s the perfect combination of chocolate and cream. I think the powdered milk and powdered sugar probably are the reason for such deliciousness. 🙂

Those cold, winter days were so much better with a cup of creamy, chocolatey goodness. This Hot Chocolate recipe is the creamiest and best!


My Grandmother’s Creamy Hot Chocolate

  • 2 lb. box of Nestle’s Quik (I bought the big canister because I was making two batches.)
  • 11 oz. jar of dry coffee creamer
  • 8 qt. box of powdered milk (that means enough powdered milk to make 8 quarts of milk. I bought a Publix brand box of 10 packets of powdered milk that made 10 quarts. So, I just used 8 of the packets.)
  • 1 lbs. box of powdered sugar

Mix well together. Store in jars.

Those cold, winter days were so much better with a cup of creamy, chocolatey goodness. This Hot Chocolate recipe is the creamiest and best!

I had to make myself a cup while I was mixing it. 🙂

Those cold, winter days were so much better with a cup of creamy, chocolatey goodness. This Hot Chocolate recipe is the creamiest and best!

And then, when you’re ready to make some creamy, delicious hot chocolate for yourself, just fill a mug halfway (more or less depending on how sweet you want it to be), finish filling the cup with hot water, stir and enjoy!

Those cold, winter days were so much better with a cup of creamy, chocolatey goodness. This Hot Chocolate recipe is the creamiest and best!

I hope you try this, because it’s so easy and so much yummier than anything you can buy in the store (in my humble opinion)!

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  1. I will be collecting all these ingredients tomorrow, so I can have this on hand for the upcoming cold winter days and nights. Yum! How many table or teaspoons to use per cup

    1. Hi! I would fill the mug about halfway with the mix. That would be probably about 1/3-1/2 cup depending on how sweet you like it. Hope this helps!

  2. Hi Laura! Thank you so much for sharing this at last week’s Get Crafty Friday! I love this idea and I think they would make really cute gifts =) Stopping by to let you know that you’ve been featured this week! Have a fabulous Friday!


  3. This sound so yummy and what a perfect gift. Thanks so much for linking to Inspire me and I hope you and your family have a very Blessed and Happy Thanksgiving. Hugs, Marty

  4. I’ve been checking out home made hot choc recipes on the internet all week, some lucky people we know are definitely getting some jars of this this year. Your’s looks really easy and you are very convincing with your memories of how lovely it is!

  5. Just made this & served w marshmallows. Delicious! Now we have hot chocolate mix for a couple of months. I also plan to give as gifts in the jars. Thank you for a great recipe.

  6. This looks to be the best Hot Cocoa in a Jar Recipe I’ve found by far and intend to make it as gifts for Christmas this year. Was wondering how many jars this recipe yields?

    1. Oh goodness. I’m not sure … maybe 3-4 large 32 oz. mason jars? I really can’t remember how many I filled, but you could always use smaller jars to make it go further. 🙂

  7. Thanks so much I LOVE cocoa had my first cup last night. I will make this for myself and to share!! thank-YOU!! hmmm thinking w pink marshmallows for my granddaughters!!

    1. I made this and used Cinnamon French Toast Dry Coffee Creamer and it was soooo delicious! Thank you for sharing!

  8. Laura, thank you for linking this in to Food on Friday. We have got a super collection of dishes we loved as kids together. I hope you have stopped by some of the other links to check them out!

    Ps I have just signed up to follow your blog. A follow back to Carole’s Chatter would be wonderful – or have you already followed? Cheers

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